Shoyoroll Batch #71: Competitor Retro

Release Date

Original (White and Blue): October 13, 2017 at 10:00 AM PDT In-Person (Black): June 4, 2017 at 10:00 AM PST Vault: November 23, 2018


Top: Pearl Weave Cotton Pants: Ripstop Color: White, Blue, Black


The White and Blue colorways were available as a pre-order on October 13, 2017 from 10:00 AM PST - 11:30 AM PST. The Black version was available in-person at the 2017 IBJJF Worlds in Long Beach, California, as well as to UberGÜMA members. It was later made available at the 2018 Black Friday Vault release.


Original White: $190 - $195 Original Blue: $200 - $205 Vault: $200 - $205

Purchase Limits

In-Person: One per customer. Vault: One per batch/style per customer/household.


We are excited for the release of Batch #71. This release is a throwback to one of our most sought after kimonos. Since 2012, we’ve had countless requests to bring back our Batch #17 Competitor Kimono. Now that 2017 was upon us, we saw the number 17 as a sign and decided to give the people what they want. With that in mind, the first colorway (Black) was set for our 2017 Worlds in-person release. Although we had fulfilled the people’s request, many who were not in attendance for the release were left feeling like they missed out or were left out. Whether you miss that feeling of rolling in your OG Competitor, missed out five years ago, didn’t make it to Worlds this year, or you weren’t rolling 5 years ago, here's your chance to understand what they were talking about and why this gi gets you feeling some type of competitive way. So without compromise to the exclusivity of our 2017 Worlds release, it is our pleasure to present, Batch #71 Competitor Retro Kimono.

This release will be available in White and Blue. The kimono features a Pearl Weave top and Ripstop pants with the original placement of woven patches and embroideries along with our Ras’ Taping.



Shoyoroll Facebook (In-Person) Shoyoroll Facebook (Pre-Order)

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