Shoyoroll Batch #34: Skies Trio

White Skies. Grey Skies V2. Blue Skies.

Release Date

Original, Grey: May 31, 2015 Original, Sky Blue: June 1, 2015 Vault: November 23, 2018


Top: Pearl Weave Cotton Pants: Twill Cotton Color: White, Grey, Sky Blue


White Skies was only made available to GUMA members. Grey Skies and Blue Skies were only available in-person at the Budo Videos booth at the 2014 World Championships, with just 50 pieces available for each.


Vault: $200 - 205

Purchase Limits

Vault: One per batch/style per customer/household.


When we started changing styles of the kimono back in 2006/2007, we made a gi using a color that was very out of the ordinary. The gi was white with a grey lapel and Carolina-blue trim, and was nicknamed Grey Skies. Fast forward to 2014, and pulling inspiration from Grey Skies, we decided to push the limits and release a kimono that was all Carolina blue. This was the first time we had ever produced a kimono in this color and is how the very bold Blue Skies kimono was born.

In 2007 / 2008, color and choice options for Jiu-Jitsu uniforms were very limited. As a matter of fact, the only color choices at the time were either unbleached, white, black or royal blue. We decided to create something very unique and loud. The Grey Skies was a white kimono with grey lapels and trims, along with Carolina-blue accent colors throughout. At the time this was something very new, and many people did not understand the concept, nor did they want to purchase this style. Fast forward to 2016 and it’s safe to say that the Grey Skies may be one of the most sought after gis of all time, with collectors willing to pay between $1,600 and $2,000 for a used version.




budodave Instagram budodave Instagram (Bags) budodave Instagram (Blue Skies) budodave Instagram (Grey Skies) Shoyoroll Facebook (Grey Skies) Shoyoroll Archives (1999-2016)

Shoyoroll Batch #18: Navy SkiesShoyoroll Batch #89: Grey Skies Retro V3Shoyoroll Batch #90: White Skies V2

Last updated