Albino and Preto Batch #31: Snakes

Fuck Snakes. Fvck Snakes.

Release Date

April 12, 2019 at 11:00 AM PDT


Top: 450 Gram Pearl Weave Pants: 10oz Canvas Color: Navy, White


The white version was only available to A&P Reserve members. It includes an Albino and Preto patch on the back of the jacket that wasn't available on the navy version.



Purchase Limits

One per customer.


The whole inspiration to the SNAKES is derived from a competitive stand point. In and out of the mats, we have friends, friends that want to kill us (not literally), but every fight is a battle and time in and time out our "friends" learn to understand our game. We try to hide what we are working on, but that’s never the case because we are constantly surrounded by SNAKES... Therefore, as we tap into our competitive mindset we say FVCK SNAKES... the mindset of a Competitor is to be blinded by all and focus on oneself. No hard feelings.



Albino and Preto Albino and Preto Facebook

Shoyoroll Batch #73: Arashi & Snakez

Last updated