Shoyoroll Crake Competitor

Competitor 21.11. Gundam Competitor.

Release Date

Japan: December 4, 2021 at 9:00 PM JST Korea: December 4, 2021 at 9:00 PM KST Europe: December 4, 2021 at 10:00 AM GMT U.S.: December 10, 2021 at 9:00 AM PDT


Top: 450-gram Pearl Weave Pants: 10oz Twill Color: White, Black


00F, 0, 0F, 0W, 1, 1F, 1L, 2, 2W, 2L, 3, 3W, 3L, 4, 5


Japan: ¥33,000 ($292) Korea: ₩345,000 ($292) Europe White: £180 ($238) Europe Black: £190 ($251) U.S. White: $250 - $255 U.S. Black: $260 - $265

Purchase Limits

U.S.: Two per customer/household.


Decorated in a Burgundy and yellow tone, the Crake Competitor is the latest iteration of our signature Competitor kimono.

Constructed from a 450-gram Pearl Weave, the jacket features our hallmark embellishments, cut and fit.

The pants are offered in a 10.oz Twill with accompanying design aspects, resulting in a refined, modern aesthetic, available in both Black and White.

Release Notes

In early promotional material this release was called the Gundam Competitor, but subsequent promotional material as well as the actual drops called it the Crake Competitor. The reason for the name change is unknown.


Rash Guard and Shorts


Shoyoroll Japan (White) Shoyoroll Japan (Black) Shoyoroll Korea (White) Shoyoroll Korea (Black) Shoyoroll Europe (White) Shoyoroll Europe (Black)

Shoyoroll (White) Shoyoroll (Black) Shoyoroll Training Rash Guard SS Shoyoroll Training Fitted Shorts

Last updated