Shoyoroll Batch #51: Japan Competitor
Worlds Competitor.
Release Date
Original (Black): November 7, 2015 Original (White): September 16, 2016 Vault: November 23, 2018
Top: Pearl Weave Cotton Pants: Twill Cotton Color: White, Black
Batch #51 was an in-person release, promoted as a "pop-up store," at the Daikanyama Tsuya Bookstore in Tokyo, Japan. Only 200 pieces were available. The black version was only available to UberGÃœMA members. It was later made available during the 2018 Black Friday Vault sale.
Other Shoyoroll gis from their vault were also available at the pop-up store.
Original: ¥28,800 Vault: $250 - 255
Purchase Limits
Vault: One per batch/style per customer/household.
One of our most popular releases was a gi called The Competitor. This kimono featured logos and patches all over, which was typical of what you’d see on competitor gis at a tournament. In 2014, we decided that for Batch #51 we wanted to bring back a similar look to this design. Our intention was to release this gi at the Worlds Competition, hence the name, however the gi did not land on time. We released Batch #51 at our first ever in-person release in Tokyo, Japan at Tsutaya Book Store in Daikanyama in 2015.
Shoyoroll Japan Facebook (White) Shoyoroll Japan Facebook (Black) thegentleartacademy Instagram (Pop-Up Store Photo) Shoyoroll Archives (1999-2016)
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