Shoyoroll Classic 2.0

Made in California.

Release Date

Pre-Order: July 2015


Top: Lightweight Pearl Weave Pro Pants: Lightweight Twill Cotton Color: White, Navy


A00F, A0F, A0, A0H, A1F, A1, A1L, A2F, A2, A2L, A2H, A3, A3L, A3H, A4, A5


White: $210 - $215 Navy: $220 - $225

Purchase Limits

Two per customer/household.


Classic 2.0, Made in California, is our new standard for lightweight kimonos made in the USA.

For quite some time, our Classic Fit has been the staple of our Kimono line It is our most popular fitting kimono and has become a standard in our industry. Our aim is to continue to progress and evolve our product research and design while focusing heavily on functionality and fit.

We want to further improve our original Classic Fit by striving to improve the following areas:

  1. Sleeve Cuff Support

  2. Skirt Support

  3. Full Length Knee Panels

  4. Wider Belt Loop Support

  5. Pant Cuff Support

What is the Classic 2.0?

Our Classic 2.0 is the new standard of our lightweight kimonos. Staying in line with our Original Classic cut and fit, the Classic 2.0 will be improved in the areas mentioned above.

Will there be a difference in cut and fit for the Classic 2.0, compared to the current line of gi's?

No, the Classic 2.0 will be the SAME style and fit as all our standard and limited edition models (with the exception of the Absolute Fit). Our aim for the Classic 2.0 is to improve in the areas as listed above.

How does the Classic 2.0 differ from the Absolute Fit?

The Classic 2.0 remains the same in fit and cut, with improvements to particular areas (refer above). The Absolute Fit was a kimono we completely reconstructed. The Classic 2.0 will NOT fit anything like the Absolute Fit.

Will you continue to make the Absolute Fit?

We will continue to push the Absolute Fit each year and breakdown it to make adjustments and improvements each year. The next batch will is on schedule to be release 2016 Q2.



Shoyoroll (White) Shoyoroll (Navy)

Shoyoroll Classic 2.0 V2Shoyoroll Classic 2.0 V3

Last updated